Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 3 The Head as a Cube, 3/4 View

We were thinking about the head as a cube today and how that effects the eye line and the mouth line. Drawing out a box from the 3/4 view, there are 2 vanishing points on either side. Often the vanishing points are well off the canvas, several feet to one side. What this means for the mouth is that it is at an angle very slightly different from the eyeline. Establish the tilt of the eyes, and then see how the mouth is a few degrees different. I just photoshopped several red lines onto a drawing which illustrate the most forward part of the 3/4 view:the cheek and how the eye and mouth run off at slightly different angles using their vanishing point to the right of the canvas.
The other thing about 3/4 view is that we don't see all of the mouth, the far corner is often obscured by the lobes of the lips. And we don't see the far inside corner of the eye, it is obscured by the bridge of the nose. We do see a great profile of the cheek bone. Not everyone had a 3/4 view, but when you get one, it's nice to know how to handle it, turning the features.
It's great to find an opportunity to tie together several pieces of shadow into one shape, and even loose some edges.

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